What Tips Should You Follow After Getting Tooth Extraction?
Your pearly whites should be present in your mouth every time because of the critical functions they perform. That is why permanent teeth should serve you throughout your lifetime, as their name implies. However, you may forcefully lose a tooth or two to accidents, defects, etc. Even worse, some situations which cause severe pain and health complications might warrant the willing removal of a tooth or two by a dentist to save other teeth, protect your dental health, and even save your life. This procedure is referred to as tooth extraction in Little Rock, AR.
Tooth extraction is a dental procedure through which a dentist removes a badly damaged or defective tooth to prevent further damage to your dental health. Tooth extractions in a dental office in Little Rock are performed with the patient under the influence of local, general, or intravenous anesthesia to eliminate pain. Because of the great importance of teeth in our daily lives, tooth extraction procedures are only carried out as a last resort when every other treatment options fail to mitigate the damage incurred by the erring tooth.
Reasons For Tooth Extraction
It’s essential to understand why dentists extract teeth. Tooth extraction is usually a result of dental defects and diseases that threaten your dental health. Examples of these include:
- Dental Caries: Dental caries, also called cavities, are permanently damaged areas in teeth that develop into tiny holes due to tooth decay. This is one of the primary reasons for tooth extraction.
- Impacted Teeth: These teeth either break below the gum line or do not grow above the gumline for any reason. They breed bacteria and dental plaques and are hard to clean.
- Periodontal Diseases: This is a severe gum disease that damages the gums and destroys the jawbone. It also causes bone loss and loosens the teeth, hence the need for extraction.
- Overcrowded Teeth: This is a situation that occurs when there are a lot of teeth that the mouth cannot accommodate. It causes the teeth to become crooked, leads to malocclusion, and you can only get better through extraction.
- Orthodontic Reasons: Tooth extraction procedures can aid orthodontic treatments when needed.
Other reasons for tooth extraction procedures include failed dental treatments, severe tooth infections and diseases, traumatic damage, etc.
Tooth Extraction Procedure
The tooth extraction methods vary according to the position of the tooth to be extracted. There are two types of tooth extractions: simple extraction and surgical extraction.
Simple Extraction
As its name implies, it is a simple procedure to remove defective visible teeth. A simple extraction works only when the tooth/teeth in question are above the gumline. Before the procedure begins, you will get an anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth and eliminate pain. The dentist then uses a dental instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth and pull it out with dental forceps.
Surgical Extraction
This type of extraction is a surgery that removes teeth that have broken off or do not grow above the gumline. During the procedure, you will receive anesthesia to kill pain and make you calm and relaxed. After administering anesthesia, your dentist makes a small incision into the gum and bone tissue covering the tooth. The tooth is then loosened from the jawbone and ligaments that hold it in place by gently rocking it back and forth using forceps. After the extraction, your dentist might pack a gauze pad into the tooth socket to stop bleeding.
Dental Extractions Recovery Tips
To aid faster recovery and prevent complications after a tooth extraction procedure, you should stick to the following dental extractions recovery tips:
- Limit your physical activities and rest for at least twenty-four hours after an extraction procedure.
- Take your painkillers as prescribed.
- Brush gently and avoid the extraction site while brushing.
- Eat only soft and healthy foods.
- Do not smoke or drink hot liquids after an extraction.
- Apply a cold compress for about 10 minutes at intervals to relieve pain.
- Take all recommended medications by your dentist.
Visit us today at Knight Dental Care to get your painless tooth extractions.